CSS to the Rescue 23/24

The themes for the introductory exercise

Thema: Context

Teams: 🧙+🎁 en 🦸+🎁

Container queries have landed 🔥

'Normal' media queries

Writing modes and logical properties

Style queries are pretty cool as well 🌶️

Chrome and FireFox

Thema: Colors

Teams: 🧙+⚗️ en 🦸+⚗️

Modern brighter colors 🔥

Color functions

Miscellaneous color snacks




Thema: Animations

Teams: 🧙+🎠 en 🦸+🎠

Scroll-based animations 🔥

Chrome and Firefox 🚩

Other thingies

Thema: Layout

Teams: 🧙+🍱 en 🦸+🍱

Popover 🔥

Note: anchor-position works for all elements :)


Tasty snacks

Math :)

Thema: :has() and co

Teams: 🧙+🦄 en 🦸+🦄

:has() 🔥🔥

States and interaction

Architectural stuff 🌶️